Malte Behrmann has published six books, of which one is his PHD on comparative film funding systems.
Malte Behrmann hat sechs Bücher veröffentlicht, von denen eines seine Doktorarbeit über vergleichende Filmfördersysteme ist.
Malte Behrmann has given more than 300 presentations on basically all major game developer conferences worldwide and publishes regularly in trade magazines. In all these years he has been giving legal and strategic advice to developers from Berlin and elsewhere.
He has published six books, of which one is his PHD on comparative film funding systems.
Malte has initiated and participated at the mobile game arch project.
He also participated at five other projects:
KEEP-project | CNG-project | NEMi | 4NEM and future NEM.
He is member of the steering board of the NEM initiative and was several years Vice Chair of the selection committee of the NEM Summit.
Malte is member of the Mittelstandsauschuss of BDI/BDA. Malte is co-chairing the working group start up support at d64 – Zentrum für digitalen Fortschritt.
In 2012/2013 Malte Behrmann was president of the international Jury of the Swiss call for projects | Games.
Malte is member of the advisory board of the Nordic Game Conference and several other game developer conferences.
Malte Behrmann, born 1971 is a professor and independent attorney based in Berlin. He teaches management, communication and law at BBW Hochschule Berlin – the largest private business school (Fachhochschule) in the city.
After law studies in Bonn and Munich, Malte pursued Audiovisual Communication Management at Valenciennes University in France. He holds a PHD in Media Science from the University of Berlin (Humboldt-University).
Malte has led legal & development affairs at Pix.Co, a Korean animation studio, and co-founded the German National Association of Game Developers | Game Bundesverband. He served there as political director for seven years.
As General Secretary of the European Game Developer Federation, he then represented game development issues to EU institutions for more than 10 years. Malte participated in this time in six EU research projects, most lately Mobile Game Arch to support the European Game developers in the transition of the digital shift.
His main political achievements are public funding for game development in Germany and Europe, e.g. through the MEDIA and Horizon 2020 programs and the cultural recognition of the games sector (e.g. Deutscher Computerspielpreis). He has also actively moderated the digital shift within the industry from retail to online and to mobile from a developer perspective.
He is supporting currently EGDF with his consultancy Game Farm.
EGDF European Games Developer Federation is the trade body of European game developers, representing European game developer organizations to the European institutions and provide best practice exchange.
Malte is author of six books and publishes regularly in trade magazines. He has been teaching in Valenciennes University for 12 Years, and has given guest lectures at Lomonossow State University (Moscow), Babes Bolyai University (Cluj), ACE (Bucarest) and University Paris 13 – Labex Icca. He regularly teaches game producers at the Games Academy in Berlin.
Malte has given more than 300 presentations and key notes on all major game development conferences worldwide.
Europeans are confronted by standards from other continents. These are de facto standards run by network effect and the economy of scale. Google was a small company not a very long time ago, that we should not forget.Dr. Behrmann - EGDF